Based in Perth, Western Australia, Oliver is a cinematographer renowned for his innovative approach to storytelling through the lens. With a Master's degree in Cinematography from the prestigious Australian Film, Television and Radio School (AFTRS), Oliver's area of interest lies within objective framing in the dark comedy genre.
Fascinated by the interplay between production design and composition Oliver's work injects a unique perspective into the mundane and everyday, offering viewers fresh insights into familiar landscapes. His keen eye for detail and penchant for injecting humor into unexpected situations make him a sought-after collaborator in both documentary and narrative filmmaking.
Oliver honed his craft through hands-on experience in the art department, working on a variety of feature films and television productions. This background not only provided him with a comprehensive understanding of visual storytelling but also instilled in him a deep appreciation for the collaborative nature of filmmaking.
With a passion for pushing boundaries and challenging conventions, Oliver continues to captivate audiences with his distinctive visual style.